
Negative nancy debbie downer chatty cathy
Negative nancy debbie downer chatty cathy

negative nancy debbie downer chatty cathy

I am a firm believer in the "whatever you believe, you will receive" mentality and from what I believe to be true right now, I anticipate Flo's arrival sometime in the next 7-10 days. I am trying very hard to remain hopeful and positive but am failing miserably. We are now 3dpiui and I think the title of this post is a pretty good indication of how I am feeling. We left the office and went about our Saturday like we normally would. D's nurse to answer any questions, discuss next steps, be sure I had my progesterone suppositories, etc. Before leaving the office we met with Dr. When the doctor was finished I was again, left to lie on the table for about 30 minutes allowing for a smooth, direct journey for the little spermies. The procedure was, once again, quick and painless. Understandable when working on a holiday weekend, I guess. His nurse, on the other hand, seemed as if there were about a million different places she would rather be. He seemed nice from what I could gather in the 15 minutes we spent together. D was not scheduled to be in this past weekend. The insemination was performed by one of the other docs, as Dr. Cozart's numbers weren't quite as impressive as the last time but still very good and well above what they want to see. THANK GOODNESS! Cozart went in at 7am on Saturday to make his deposit and we both returned at 10am for the insemination. It was ready and waiting for me all cold and safe in my fridge. And there was no retrieving the shot from a bush outside my doctor's office. Much like the first IUI, I had no side effects from the hormone. Round 2: Cozart ended up not working on Thursday so he was home to give me the Ovidrel shot.

Negative nancy debbie downer chatty cathy